Saturday, July 26, 2008

It's Official

Many of you know that for the past 6 months I've been on the path to promote myself to Director in BeautiControl. As of about an hour ago, my numbers and all requirements are in and on August 1st, I will promote to Director. This moment is such a huge one for me. I don't know whether to laugh, cry or scream in excitement. I'm so incredibly proud of myself and I could not have done it without the love and support from all of you. Thank you to all of you for your words of encouragement. This is a moment I will remember for the rest of my life. One of my proudest moments.

This Wednesday I leave for our annual Celebration conference in Dallas, TX. I've got 4 women coming with me and I'm excited to share this event with them. We'll also learn where our next trip will be and I'm sure you guys will hear all about it on my blog.

Love and Peace to you all!



Anonymous said...

Way to Go!!!

Redblur63 said...

Good for you! You SHOULD be proud of yourself! Way to go Elizabeth!