Last week at 9:21am, Donald and I became an aunt and uncle again. Ruby Langston Brown was delivered on December 2nd to Donald's youngest brother Matt and his wife Rene. Ruby wasn't supposed to make her grand arrival until February 7, 2009 and she decided 2008 was a better year for her! She weighed 2lbs 5.8oz at birth and as of this afternoon when I went to visit her, she had gained a little over 3oz and was at 2lbs 9 oz. She has been on a ventilator this past week but today they took her off the vent and she simply has a nasal cannula. They are monitoring her lungs and gut a the moment. It will still be a few weeks before she'll be able to drink from a bottle (she's being fed breast milk from a feeding tube). Here are some pictures that I took with my phone today:
Rene put a bow in her hair!

Here she is holding Rene's hand:

This is a little heater thing they put her on. They had to put some sunglasses on her eyes to protect her and I told Rene that Ruby was attending a rave!

Ruby needs our love and prayers. I will do my best to update everyone but Rene and Matt have established a page on Caringbridge. As soon as I have that web address, I'll post it on this site.
In utterly sad news, Donald and I lost two of our great friends to the battle with Muscular Dystrophy. My dear friend Harry Roberson passed away last Tuesday, the evening that Ruby made her grand entrance. Then today, we learned that another friend, Gary Hill passed away late last night. Within one week, we lost two friends. Sadly, both boys were only 19 years of age. They both attend camp this past year as their last time since MDA recently changed the age limits to 17 years of age. I know those two are up in heaven having a field day together. They're probably laughing and running - racing each other to see who is fastest.
Life and death - it's the circle of life. Needless to say, it's been quite a ride this past week. Donald left early this morning for the Bahamas to complete his scuba certification. So I am home alone tonight. Part of me was grateful for the quiet time, and another part felt so alone. We all must grieve and I prefer to do mine alone. Tonight was a night of reflection - reflection on the lives that were lost this week. The years I've spent with them at camp - the funny things they would say to make me laugh and how my heart filled with joy when they told me they loved me. I will miss Harry and Gary greatly. And I appreciate the joy they both brought to my life. And I thank God everyday that people like those boys touched my life. And I thank God for the blessing that is my niece Ruby.