Monday, May 19, 2008

Where'd I go?

I was just sitting here contemplating what my next blog should be about. I've been pretty busy lately as you've probably read in my recent blogs. One thing I failed to mention - and it's pretty big - Donald and I have lost a lot of weight! Yep! Donald has lost about 25 lbs and I've lost 30 lbs! Can you believe that? I keep forgetting that many of you I don't see on a regular basis and so you don't know that. And the usual question is, "what are you doing to lose all that weight?" We've been exercising and eating healthy. It's been amazing and fun! I've gotten rid of all my size 12 clothes and recently bought a pair of jeans that were a size 6! Goodness, I can not remember the last time I wore that size. Probably 1994. Yikes!

Other than losing some weight, life is pretty normal around the Brown household. Tomorrow, Donald will be out of town for 2 days and I'll enjoy a quiet house and will let the dogs sleep with me. Am I crazy or what! Talk about "When the mice are away, the cat will play." Ahhh, the life of a married woman.

I'm preparing to attend MDA camp the first week of June. The weather has been unseasonably cool so I don't think swimming will be an activity for us this year. We'll see. I can't believe that this will be my 17th year as a volunteer. It just seems like yesterday I went to camp for the first time. I'll be sure to send you guys some pics from this year's camp events.

Well, good night to all and know that I am thinking of you and love you all!


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