Saturday, October 25, 2008

Brief Update

So I thought I'd take a moment to grant my loyal readers their wish - for me to update my blog. This past week has been a busy and productive week for me. In the month of November I will be doing quite a bit of traveling so I've spent a great deal of my time preparing to be away. I recently purchased an adorably cute new laptop computer so I hope to stay connected to Memphis even while I'm away.

The only saving grace of living in this city is the fact that I get to travel quite a bit. Memphis will always be home for me and as more nieces and nephews are brought into this world, it makes it harder and harder for me to move away. Plus, I adore my house so I know I'd really miss it.

So hopefully my trips next month will provide for some stories that are more interesting than just "the day in the life of Elizabeth." Until then, be well, live well and be happy.

Love to all!

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