The day he was born, we ended up having to have a C-section. Amanda was not dilating and so we just decided to go through with the C-section. Luckily for me, they asked me to wait outside the operating room while they gave her the epidural. The called me in, I went "behind the sheet" by my sister's head. I stayed there will her and held her hand while they opened her up. Then they called me just as they were about to pull Caleb out. I don't even remember the grossness of it all. I was snapping pictures and crying all at the same time. He was slimy but the most beautiful slimy thing I had ever seen.
Before the delivery, my sister had discussed with me that she wanted me near Caleb while they finished up with her. So I went to stand next to Caleb while the nurse cleaned him up. I was happily snapping pictures until this big nurse snaps at me and says "No more pictures!" She laid Caleb down and started to resuscitate him. You see, Caleb was a month early and those of you who have kids know about those "wimpy white boys". Their lungs are the last to develop that's why they're considered so wimpy. I just starred at what was going on. I tried to be quiet so Amanda wouldn't know what was going on. It took them a few minutes to get him breathing again and when they did, he let out a scream that was so big. I cried like a baby. Hell, I'm crying now just thinking about it.
They kept our little wimpy white boy in the NICU for 8 hours. Luckily I had the "bracelet" which allowed me access to him so I would take pictures of him and bring it back to my sister for her to see. When we did finally get to see him, we didn't let him leave our side.

So Happy Birthday to my little man Caleb Matthew. Today you are 3 and that's such a wonderful age. You still laugh when I hide behind a sheet and then pop out and yell Boo! You get excited to see race cars. You still love to go to the zoo with me! I've had so much fun getting to know you these past three years. My heart melts every time you hug me, kiss me, call me Tia or tell me you love me. I would do anything for you and I look forward to watching you grow into a man.
Oh Lord I'm balling ! I still remember everybit of that day. I remember being scared and excited all at once. Most of all I remember how happy I was that you were there. Sissi you will never know how much you mean to me or how much it meant to me that you were there to share that experience with me. You are so special and dear to me sis, I love you more than words can say. Caleb is very lucky to have such a wonderful aunt and most of all, I'm EXTREMELY lucky to not only have such a wonderful sister but to have the priveledge of calling you my best friend. Thank you for everything.
I remember the pregnancy, the birth and all the Caleb memories you shared with me along the way. Love you, girl!! Miss your smile.
PS Christina will be 11 on Thursday!!
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